06 July 2007

story of a species

It's friday. My "A Wodehouse A Week" project is coming along very well. Finished 'Thank you, Jeeves' for the umpteenth time last night and almost immediately my world felt settled. The shoulders resumed normal shape and I could feel my elbows work again (i.e. they are bending). But I don't know how long 'pretty phase' might last. If I go searching for old books over the weekend maybe I can sustain the feeling till Tuesday. But that's good enough.

Been reading a lot of blogs of late. It is such a personal space. Yet so public. As you read this, a large number of people over the world are furiously scribbling away their lives in utmost detail. Waiting for a stumbling footprint of a complete stranger. Who comes unseen and leaves behind a small trail of words; that means the world. And it goes on. Someone shares a picture of her favourite flower. Someone writes of the abandoned dog he had a conversation with. And a faceless lover sits and pines for someone he has been in love with all of his life. But is yet to meet her.

There are endless stories. Some funny. Some exaggerated. Some vague. But all of them real. Well, as real as you and me anyway. I mean I don't know you, but you are here and reading this. And I have written it and hence you are. I don't know if it's complicated. On the surface we can blame/attribute this to technology and get away with it. Back to the usual stuff we do, everyday. Rip a small bag of peanuts, take a telephone call, suddenly remember the smell of an ex-lover. Or hear her mobile phone ring in your head and start looking around feverishly, nervous and excited at the same time. Things we do without realizing, understanding or questioning why. Sub-human almost.

That's why we blog. Because we know how we honestly feel for even a second a day, can now be communicated to someone else. And we don't even know their real names. Or how they look. What jobs they have. What books they read. What they like to eat for dessert. We don't know. We don't care if they are good in bed. We don't care if they are selfish. Or asthmatic. Or if they leave their wet towels on their beds. All we want them to do is read. "Please, I don't know you, but can you be involved in my life for just a brief moment. I really need you, even if I don't know you."



somewhere there said...


Smiling Dolphin said...

Most people's personal blogs are read by their friends or others who know of them, isn't it? I know mine is. But I happened upon yours from another planner's blog and you sounded so sad I had to leave a comment to cheer you up. Hope it helped a little. Phish, no one 'really needs' anybody but themselves. And your blog is a great read!

phish said...

yes, we do read our friends' blogs but most of the time i stumble into a complete stranger's life, wilfully. it's like reading someone's diary. someone real. with full consent. what they are doing. how their cat looks. most of them choose to remain anonymous. hidden behind a sepia tone, not unlike mine. but their whispers are loud and clear.

and i was sad. wodehouse helped. your poem did too :)

madelyn said...

I am only half myself without a means
of expression - my writing and my
photography - and it is lovely to have a
"witness" to my small beautiful life:)

I LOVE your enchantment with words...

madelyn said...


and i have also been in love with someone
all my life I have never met -
I have dreams about them....

Anonymous said...

Here's to fallibility. And to melancholy musings. To the strange, maybe perverse calm I feel when I notice that beggar girl is so much prettier than I am. Here's to drunken ranting. And to blogging. Sometimes in earnest.

~mE said...

Thanks, and you are rss'd as well:)

phish said...

aren't we all...madelyn? some though are lucky to have met them and be with them.

nothing is better than a melancholic muse, or a drunken rant. or a perverse calm for that matter. in this case with your anonymity :)

~me...er how does this rss thing work?

Anonymous said...

:) ah the delight rarely found in obscurity.

Pooja Nair said...

I wish you didn't get lonely so easily....it's good for some great writing/poetry though!

Sooner or later the feeling is bound to pass
So write as much as possible till the feeling lasts....:)

You are right about blogs....and you have expressed it SO well!

Some of those lines could be used for an ad for Blogs!

phish said...

charade - you make me smile. really.

pooja - i know what you mean. the feeling lasts on and on. and i don't really want to write an ad for blogs. my prostitution for underwear and me-too products as a day job, is more than enough to get me a life membership in hell.

Devil Mood said...

Your posts are amazing! It is fortunate that sometimes we're involved in the lives of people who have brilliant ideas and a great way of putting them into words.

The wet towels in the bed - lol!

phish said...

devil mood - i can say the same for you :)

jenica said...

YES! a resounding yes. this is why i blog, and why blogging has so completely changed my life. who knew?

Wyntey said...

you write really well. are you a published author by any chance? your writings sound eerily familiar.

Wyntey said...

you write really well. are you a published author by any chance? your writings sound eerily familiar.

Anonymous said...

I think the need for interaction/ involvement is of varying levels for different bloggers. I like comments and discussions. I don't like questions and arguments.