19 December 2008

inertia; a short but moving story

30 days of leave lie in front of me. 30 (apparently, very expensive) days that the company that I work for granted me. 30 terribly short days that I have to get maximum purchase out of. 30 days of potentially life-altering circs. 30 days of uppishness. 30 days of colour. 30 days of blank pages.

And I just wasted the last 45 minutes to find an appropriate cartoon.

I don't know who drew the cartoon. But I think I understand what he's trying to say.


Pooja Nair said...

Wait a minute...are you planning to write a book?

Colombo beckons!

Unknown said...

Same question: What is to happen in these 30 days?

meraj said...

come here for Christmas...am serious!

Anonymous said...

Well, finding just the right illustration for the mood of one’s post is just short of utmost importance...and this cartoon is a pièce de résistance! And this opportunity for you is a supernal dream! Here’s to relaxing into it and letting Creativity take you all the way :-)

Devil Mood said...

Never underestimate the search for the perfect image. It could be the start of something beautiful...

Gauri Gharpure said...

an colourful butterfly waits for the coolest blog i know

phish said...

pooja - pooja. pooja. pooja. if i eve do you will be the first person to know. honestly, sincerely, dedicatedly.

Afrin - oh i wish I knew now. but we all will maybe. in just a few days. and welcome to my blog. hope you find it relaxing and hygienic :)

meraj - i will. just need to do few things. call it a calling. miss you guys.

missalister - thanks for the wishes. i am hoping i live this through. with creativity and all that. yes. thank you again.

devilmood - i believe that. i also believe that we let things that are beautiful pass us by all the time.

gauri gharpure - coolest? really?! thank you. i am blushing now btw.

Ana said...

I like the cartoons on the blog.
This one though makes me feel that I did not have the courage not to go for an MBA.
Thank you for your visit and kind comment.

Anonymous said...

I am curious to know what were all those 30 days about. What ever you did, I hope you had fun at it.